We think one reason behind this question is an idea that everyone in the States are born very rich and there is a curisosity to know how rich. Blame it on Hollywood I guess, but because of this we are always trying to avoid this blunt question. My co workers can hardly even believe that we don't have a house back in Montana just waiting for us and many have asked me, "why don`t your parents buy you one?" I'll be sure and put that on my Christmas wish list next year.
Although I am not a fan of this question, it has made me think twice before I buy something. Many know that I am already a tight wad, but I still end up accumulating a bunch of things that I really have no need for. While around so much poverty my idea of needs and wants has definitely been challenged. For instance, a refrigerator or hot water is not a household need, it's a blessing from God. Don't get me wrong, the solution to poverty isn`t about redistributing resources, but I find that I'm noticing more of all the Bible verses about money I typically haven't lingered upon.