We think one reason behind this question is an idea that everyone in the States are born very rich and there is a curisosity to know how rich. Blame it on Hollywood I guess, but because of this we are always trying to avoid this blunt question. My co workers can hardly even believe that we don't have a house back in Montana just waiting for us and many have asked me, "why don`t your parents buy you one?" I'll be sure and put that on my Christmas wish list next year.
Although I am not a fan of this question, it has made me think twice before I buy something. Many know that I am already a tight wad, but I still end up accumulating a bunch of things that I really have no need for. While around so much poverty my idea of needs and wants has definitely been challenged. For instance, a refrigerator or hot water is not a household need, it's a blessing from God. Don't get me wrong, the solution to poverty isn`t about redistributing resources, but I find that I'm noticing more of all the Bible verses about money I typically haven't lingered upon.
Good luck with that Christmas list! Maybe Nancy and Scott will come through for you. Thank you for the post...I love the things that God is bringing to your attention. It definitely gets me thinking about needs vs. nice to have. I love you both.