carrying high = girl (x)
carrying low = boy ( )
Lots of morning sickness = girl ( )
Less = boy (x)
fast heart beat = girl ( )
slower = boy (x)
craving sweets = girl ( )
craving salty and sour = boy (x)
EVERYONE here thinks I´m having a boy for a few of their own
Mom´s that gain weight everywhere = girl ( )
Just a basketball / all belly = boy (x)
Mom´s face generally looks worried and stressed = girl ( )
Mom looks relaxed and happy = boy ( x)
Lots of kicking and movement = boy (x)
Less movement = girl ( )
This next one is my favorite!
A rounded, beautiful belly = girl (x)- Shane's pick
Pointed and not very pretty = boy (x)- Guatemalan's pick
I figure the Guatemalans have more kids than Americans, so as far fetched as some of these sound I´ll assume it´s a boy until proven differently. Besides, I´ve been told many times that my belly is pointed and not pretty like it would be if it were a girl so they better be right or I´ll just be offended that my pregnant belly is unattractive regardless of the gender.
So what do you think?